12 | 02 | 2022

Securing your Cloud Environment

Protect Your Business Today: A Guide to Securing Your Vital Cloud Environment | Article

‘Guarding Your Data: Practical Strategies for Cloud Security Success’

Securing your cloud infrastructure is crucial for ensuring the safety of your data and applications. Cloud technology has become the norm for many organisations, but its convenience also presents new security challenges.

If you’re not a technical person, don’t worry. You can take simple steps to enhance the security of your cloud infrastructure. First, you need to understand the basics of cloud security. This involves knowing who is responsible for securing the Infrastructure, what assets need protection, and what threats must be mitigated.

Next, you should implement a multi-layered security approach that includes technical controls such as encryption, firewalls, and access controls. A robust incident response plan and regularly reviewing and updating security measures are also essential.

You can also take advantage of security tools and services offered by your cloud provider. These include security information and event management (SIEM) systems, intrusion detection, and security assessment tools.

Finally, it is crucial to have a well-informed and trained workforce. This includes educating employees on best practices for securing sensitive data and regularly conducting security awareness training.

By taking these steps, you can help ensure the security of your cloud infrastructure and protect your organisation from potential threats.

Let’s explore the leading narrative – Story Line

Secure cloud infrastructure is critical for the success and longevity of any organisation. The Cloud has become the backbone of many businesses, enabling companies to store, manage, and process vast amounts of data and applications. However, with the increasing reliance on the Cloud, it is essential to ensure that the Infrastructure is secure and protected against potential threats.

Protecting sensitive information is one of the primary benefits of a secure cloud infrastructure. In the Cloud, organisations store vast amounts of confidential and sensitive data, such as financial records, personal information, and intellectual property. This data breach could have devastating consequences, including legal and financial penalties, reputational damage, and loss of customer trust.

Secure cloud infrastructure also helps organisations comply with industry regulations and standards, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS). These regulations outline strict requirements for protecting sensitive information and impose severe penalties for non-compliance.

Furthermore, a secure cloud infrastructure provides the foundation for reliable and efficient operations. Downtime and data loss can significantly impact an organisation’s productivity and profitability. With a secure cloud infrastructure, organisations can minimise the risk of these disruptions and ensure the smooth operation of their Business.

In conclusion, a secure cloud infrastructure is essential for organisations to protect sensitive information, comply with regulations, and maintain reliable operations. Therefore, it is critical for organisations to prioritise security when implementing cloud solutions and to continuously monitor and update their security measures to stay ahead of potential threats.

Some interesting facts and statistics about Cloud Security:

  1. The global cloud security market is projected to grow from $8.7 billion in 2020 to $19.5 billion in 2025 at a compound annual growth rate of 17.3% during the forecast period. (Source: MarketsandMarkets)
  2. 92% of organisations use cloud services, and 83% of enterprise workloads are expected to be in the Cloud by 2020. (Source: Rightscale)
  3. The number one concern among organisations regarding cloud security is the lack of visibility and control over data. (Source: Cisco)
  4. 60% of organisations have experienced a cloud security incident, and 43% have experienced a data breach in the Cloud. (Source: McAfee)
  5. Encryption is the most widely used cloud security control by 87% of organisations. (Source: Cloud Security Alliance)
  6. 48% of cloud security incidents are caused by human error, such as misconfigured cloud storage services. (Source: McAfee)
  7. In 2021, the average cost of a cloud data breach was estimated to be $4 million. (Source: IBM)
  8. 53% of organisations believe their cloud service provider is responsible for securing their data in the Cloud, while 47% believe they are responsible. (Source: McAfee)
  9. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) can reduce the risk of a cloud security breach by 99.9%. (Source: Duo Security)
  10. The average time to detect a cloud security breach is 197 days, and the average time to contain a breach is 69 days. (Source: McAfee)

These statistics highlight the importance of implementing strong security measures and being vigilant about potential threats when using cloud services.

v500 Systems | advanced artificial intelligence provider

Don’t Risk It: Why a Secure Cloud Environment is Crucial for Your Organisation

Intelligent Cyber Security – Secure System

Security is paramount to us and our client’s environment. Therefore, we build a compliant and secure infrastructure before you place any data. We work in line with security best practices for genuinely secure Infrastructure. We understand and have extensive know-how to solve unique Cybersecurity challenges in all sectors. Our actions will bring unmatched ROI to your Business.


• Infrastructure Security Design, Architecture from Start to Finish, not an afterthought
• Our Expert consultation will answer all your questions, provide advice and guidance, and explain any grey areas.
• Full understanding of your environment and integration with all services to achieve a more significant security

Fine-grained Access control

• We look at the overall picture to deploy filtering and inspection at a very granular level, host-to-host
• Our Security Engineers look and focus at Infrastructure at multiple layers, protocols, authentication and services
• Even the most miniature networking hardware, like endpoint devices or IoT sensors, have to provide integrity and comply with strict regulations

Analyse Access

• Comprehensive Audit and Review of your current Security Policy for Network Infrastructure, Applications, Services, Endpoints and End-users
• Whether On-Premise or in a Cloud environment, the company needs to be aware of who has access to its resources
• External and Internal access needs to be scrutinised frequently to achieve an outstanding level of security; we can help you with this objective


• Integrating security and mitigating cyber threats in the data network environment will bring peace of mind
• Network security delivers integration to servers, applications and end-users
• We extend this facility to On-Premise and Cloud platform


• One by one, we will go through all the layers of Security Governance and Compliance Regulations so that you can do Business securely
• We can help you to understand the robust controls to maintain security and data protection
• Network Infrastructure Compliance On-Premises and in the Cloud in alignment with the best security practices

Full Package

• Cutting cost to 20 – 40% when outsourcing Network/Infrastructure Security Services to us
• Threat, Vulnerability Detection Monitoring and Management
• Technical training and handover to in-house IT Team

v500 Systems | advanced artificial intelligence provider

Protect Your Business with a Secure Cloud: The Importance of Cloud Security

‘Every Business is Digital Business Delivering ICT Network Enterprise Security’

How can we deliver a secure environment?

Instant Expert Knowledge

While various cyber-attacks hit financial institutions and other institutions, ransomware and distributed denial of service (DDoS) attacks are frequent. Attackers interrupt your services, affect your reputation, and steal money from your accounts while you scrutinise.
You will not spot your own mistakes; allow our Professional Security Experts to audit, design and strengthen your entire Digital Security defence.

Making Your Business Secure

As more IoT intelligent, innovative technology connects to the Internet, cyber vulnerabilities are being exploited to find a back door by others engaging in global industrial espionage. Knowing where to look helps prevent and detect attackers trying to steal trade secrets and your customers.
Only performing end-to-end secure infrastructure and operations management will protect your business and ensure it is safe and compliant.

Extensive Cyber-Security Solutions

Many organisations face identity theft, IoT Security Threats, and ransomware, which contribute to business security breaches. By fully understanding vulnerabilities in your existing systems and upgrading to new robust technologies, we will meet the meaningful requirements of cyber security.
Develop an agile and predictive security ecosystem across your users, devices, applications, and Infrastructure.

Consulting and Integration Services

We at v500 Systems analyse the entire ICT environment of our customers from various angles, confirming the implementation status of existing security measures. Then, we propose solutions related to working improvements and systems operations. We also utilise our long experience operating digital security services and support our customers by providing emergency responses, mitigating threats and building disciplined bespoke companies.

Return on your Security Investments

v500 Systems unleashes the value of your security investments to achieve business objectives. Your organisation will have a unique set of characteristics and use cases that determine which solution we can offer is ideal for you.
It would be best to have savvy professionals protecting your entire network infrastructure, including endpoints. To help mitigate continually evolving and sophisticated cyber threats by fortifying your network defence capabilities and boosting response times.

Meeting Compliance Requirements

Don’t just pass Security Audits; know your Infrastructure precisely so that you have optimised security defences and mitigated the risk.
Our advisory, strategic and technical consulting portfolio assists you in validating, testing and auditing for ongoing compliance management. Furthermore, to avoid hefty fines for non-compliance, GDPR is in place to safeguard the personal data and privacy of EU citizens for operations that occur within EU member states.

v500 Systems | advanced artificial intelligence provider

Safeguard Your Data: Why a Secure Cloud Environment is Essential for Your Company

‘Businesses are dependable on their digital assets. We have the know-how to deliver a secure environment for your network, applications and systems. Our Experts will implement a security design based on the latest innovative technology, so you can be reassured.’

What are the benefits of Secure Infrastructure?
– Clients trust YOU!

Security Compliance

Security Compliance Helps You Avoid hefty Fines and Penalties. Organisations must be aware of compliance laws that apply to their specific industries. Lawmakers increasingly impose legislation protecting the security and privacy of personal data collected by private companies and organisations in the USA, Europe, and worldwide.

Business Reputation

Security Protects Your Infrastructure and Business Reputation. Unfortunately, data breaches are becoming increasingly common and vicious in recent years. Potentially destructive data breaches have occurred repeatedly over the past decade, leaving businesses with considerable financial losses:
– Weibo, “the Chinese Twitter,” was attacked in March 2020. While the COVID-19 pandemic was grabbing all the headlines, hackers stole over 530 million customer records.

Operational Benefits

We help organisations to implement security tools and applications to satisfy the privacy requirements in their industry and identify any shortcomings in managed personnel, assets, or other resources that can be redeployed to enhance operational efficiency. For example, these tools may detect people, processes, or applications on the network that are inadequately managed or poorly configured to drive results.


An effective system for IT security compliance guarantees that only authorised individuals with the correct credentials can access relevant secure systems and databases that contain sensitive customer data. In addition, we can implement security monitoring systems and processes at different layers to ensure that access to those systems is monitored, accounted and logged.

Improved Productivity

Viruses and Malware can slow down personal computers or even entire systems to a crawl and make working on them practically impossible. This can cause a lot of wasted time for your employees, often bringing your real operating Business to a standstill. In addition, it will take enormous resources and time to get everything back. Therefore it is essential to protect your assets.

Client Confidence

If you can demonstrate that your Business is effectively protected against all kinds of cyber threats and compliant with industry standards, you can inspire trust in your customers and clients. As a result, they will feel more confident when purchasing your products or using your services.

Denies Spyware

Spyware is a cyber infection designed to spy on your computer actions and relay that information back to the cyber-criminal. An excellent cybersecurity solution, such as a Next-Generation firewall and an array of other sophisticated security tools, can prevent this spyware from taking effect and safeguard that your employees’ actions stay private and confidential within your workplace.

Consolidated Solution

The best IT security systems, applications, and processes for your Business will offer a bespoke and comprehensive solution to protect against a diverse range of issues. Ideally, your security needs to include an edge, firewall, anti-virus, anti-spam, wireless protection, and online content filtration. Our team can help you discover how your business can benefit from a layered security approach with sophisticated Next-Gen Firewalls.

Invest in your IT Infrastructure

It might be unpleasant to hear, but most cybercriminals will have much more knowledge and experience regarding digital crime than your typical employee. A range of the best IT security systems, correctly configured and deployed, can deliver your team the extensive features and support that they need to effectively fight against even the most determined criminal. It pays off to invest in security measures.

The Case For Cloud Computing

The Key to a Successful Business: A Secure Cloud Environment

‘It takes many good deeds to build a good REPUTATION, and only one bad to lose it’

– Benjamin Franklin

An array of Security Solutions

We do want to secure your digital business and your greatest ASSET.

We realise you must be resilient yet agile and innovative for your intelligent Business’s future. Consequently, knowing the security risks you face and being prepared to address them during constant change is essential. Therefore, we would work with you to identify the technologies and services you need to create, build, deliver and manage a cybersecurity posture that keeps you secure while you transform.

Why is Cyber-Security so important?

Protect company-sensitive data, profitability, and reputation to mitigate any risks. Information Technology cyber-security is a continuous practice that demands experience and knowledge to form a bridge between end-users, clients, applications, and services to protect the integrity of the Business.

We will understand your business infrastructure to ensure we provide the best solution for your network environment. V500 Systems has the team of experts you need to build, manage, and evaluate enterprise information security. Our highly skilled professionals provide a robust foundation for your security strategies that align with your ever-evolving business challenges.

Outsourcing to Cyber-Security Experts

Organisations that choose to outsource to Cybersecurity Experts have clear advantages that should not be ignored; we have listed down six core benefits:

  1. A Team of Knowledgeable and Experienced Security Experts

– Skilled security specialists are in high demand, and availability is scarce
– Less time and expenditure is wasted in an integration process once you do find employees
– Access to security experts for immediate response
– Outsourced experts are up-to-date on the latest threats and security tools

  1. Improved threat detection and incident response times

– A team of experts monitoring around the clock can respond to threats in real-time
– A Managed Detection and Response (MDR) platform provides fast insight for the quick response
– MDR eradicates the tiresome task of reviewing logs and alarms

  1. Advanced Technologies

– New attack vectors mean new defence tools that require a learning curve to install and use effectively
– Outsourcing eliminates delays in seeing the value of a new software solution deployed with in-house staff
– New software solutions are also expensive to purchase and maintain licensing and support

  1. Threat Intelligence and Practical Security Knowledge

– Using an outsourced threat intelligence service allows for an in-depth analysis of an organisation’s intelligence profile, resulting in precise, actionable threat intelligence indicators
– The platform can also mitigate threats before they become breach events
– With data from millions of sources, it’s increasingly challenging to develop and maintain those capabilities in-house

  1. Independent validation of Cybersecurity Posture

– Outsourcing delivers an independent analysis of vulnerabilities using advanced tools such as pentesting and other automated complex attack simulations
– Outsourced service providers can orchestrate a multitude of attacks to validate an organisation’s resiliency and subsequent response time
– Expert teams support automated testing tools to help clients act on the results
– Historical data can help an organisation see how its security posture has improved over time

  1. Better Control of the Supply Chain

– Defence from vulnerabilities in any vendor or service provider’s security is critical
– Perceptibility into the whole digital environment of these additional attack surfaces is a big challenge for in-house teams
– An array of tools for signs of compromise, vulnerabilities, and a general development assessment of the supply chain processes can monitor the entire Infrastructure
– Backed by our security team along with automated capabilities for immediate mitigation actions

Stay Ahead of Threats: Why Your Organization Needs a Secure Cloud


‘Network and Infrastructure Security Payoffs
Number of advantages: minimising the level of risk for attacks, infections and breaches’

Analysing and inspecting your network traffic to detect any security threats

Outmanoeuvring your attackers with Cyber-Security consulting and tailored Services

Real-Time Actionable Detection – Instantly pinpoint the specific location of critical threats. All in Real-Time monitoring and response – no delay

Multi-Faced Intelligence – Leverage system learning and multiple detection engines continuously to detect malicious threats and mitigate

Not a Single Device Left Behind – Quickly reveal any blind spots by using innovative technology to monitor every connected device.


How can we secure Cloud Environment in Amazon Web Services (AWS)?

By getting operational visibility and insight

Identity Access Management

People in your organisation must have ‘the least privilege of access to the resources they need to do their work. It is pointless and very insecure, open to the world when everyone has ‘Admin Access’.

IAM Policies | S3 Bucket Policies | S3 ACL, Encryption | S3 Pre-signed URLs | Cognito | Glacier Vault Lock | MFA

Logging and Monitoring

Knowing what is going on in your Cloud Infrastructure is crucial. An array of tools assist in observability across applications, users and the environment with granular details.

CloudTrail | CloudWatch | AWS Config | Cloud HSM | Inspector & Trusted Advisor | Protecting, Encrypting Logs

Infrastructure Security

We build a cloud environment that is at least compliant with PCI DSS standards. By default, Security Hub triggers a considerable number of automatic checks. This ensures that Infrastructure is constantly secure, month after month.

KMS | WAF & Shield | Container Security

Confidentiality Matters: The Importance of a Secure Cloud Environment for Your Business

Segregation with VPCs

Applications, Services, and Resources within VPC are logically isolated in a virtual network. Inbound and Outbound filtering by restricting access. By using segmentation, we are mitigating potential threats.

NACL and Security Groups | Session Manager | NATs and Bastions | CloudHSM | Gateways

Too many security problems?

There is nothing to worry about; we will help you untangle them one by one. The challenge is to define a technology framework that can provide cost-effectively optimised security solutions and remove operational complexity.



‘Protecting data in the cloud isn’t just a necessity; it’s a responsibility we owe to our users and stakeholders’

— Thoughts Threading


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